Forrester Word

A Portfolio of the Works of Marley Forrester

About me

Here is my contact information, feel free to get in touch!


Phone: (+44)7568 076376

LinkedIn: Marley Forrester

Instagram, TikTok and Twitter: @_marleyjai_

My Name is Marley Forrester and this is my professional portfolio, showcasing some of my recent work

I have recently completed a degree in Football Business and Media at UCFB Wembley. Through my degree I have been given a great insight into business, particularly the unconventional business within football and how it compares to a more conventional business model. As well as this, I have gained various experiences across different forms of both digital and broadcast media.

Alongside my work here you can find more of my work at UCFB First Team website, where I worked as a media executive for four years during my time at UCFB. My first role in industry was a Marketing Coordinator at NEP UK, producing multimedia content across their website and social media channels.

I recently (Dec 2022) left this role to travel, in search of life experience and personal growth. I have since started a travel blog covering this adventure and to ‘keep then pen moving’ during my time off. I hope to take all these experiences back into my career when I settle in a more permanent location. Until this point, I’m look for freelance/temporary work.

UCFB Basketball

By Chris Odero and Johnnie Vic

UCFB Netball

By Lauryn Fuller

UCFB Thirds

By Connor Flynn

UCFB Second Team

By Dhylan Patel

Forrester Word

A Portfolio of the Works of Marley Forrester

UCFB First Team


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