Forrester Word

A Portfolio of the Works of Marley Forrester

A million and one lessons I’ve learned on my travels 


This is a series I decided to start on my travels as a way to ‘keep the pen moving’ whilst on a career break. I also think it serves as a unique way to organise and document all the mini anecdotes that combine to form the story of my travels. Read at your own discretion, picking some, none or all of them. These are all personal experiences and my personal opinions/experiences, so shouldn’t be taken as fact. These lessons are here for me, to make sure remember the little things on this wild adventure!

Lesson #25 : The world is a small place!

Lesson #24 : You can feel safe in a place full of guns!

Lesson #23 : You can find surf boards under bridges!

Lesson #22 : Knights still exist!

Lesson #21 : Vengeful people are capable of anything!

Lesson #20 : Don’t speak English in La Bombonera!

Lesson #19 : Always respect the weight limits in lifts, no matter how big the lift is!

Lesson #18 : It’s every man for himself in the jungle!

Lesson #17 : Monkeys love starburst!

Lesson #16 : You can find Yorkshire tea in Bolivia!

Lesson #15 : Just because they don’t wear a wedding ring doesn’t mean they’re not married!

Lesson #14 : The Incas never say goodbye!

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Forrester Word

A Portfolio of the Works of Marley Forrester

UCFB First Team


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